Meet Kandice Long, Founder of Kandake Naturals


Meet Kandice Long she is the founder of Kandank Naturals.

What messages have you had to confront (internally or externally) to pursue your personal & professional path?

“Over and over again, I had to deal with the message, "You are not qualified to do this" or "Why do you think you can do consulting", when the truth was, it was something I had been doing since I was 12 and making no money for it. My personal path is Natural Hair consulting. I have loved hair and helped my friends out with their hair since forever, but for some reason, the moment I wanted to make it a lucrative business, fear and doubt set up shop in my mind. I had to speak to myself out of my motivator, Scriptures, and remind myself that I can do All things through Christ that strengthens me. I had to tell the critiques, "If I fail, I would have at least tried." 

Check out Kandake Naturals here.

A CYP Interview